‘A Bloody Difficult Subject’: Ruth Ross, te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Making of History — Upstart Press Award for Best Non-Illustrated Book 2024 FINALIST

Upstart Press Award for Best Non-Illustrated Book 2024


Designer: Duncan Munro

Title: ‘A Bloody Difficult Subject’: Ruth Ross, te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Making of History

Publisher: Auckland University Press
Format: 240 x 170mm, 320pp, jacketed hardback with text on Yulong Pure creamy paper and a 16pp 4c matt art image section. Two Pantone colours – the orange on the jacket and endpapers, and the grey printed onto a white Wibalin Natural case, with matt varnishing, 1c black lettering and debossing.


Typography: Freight

  • Title: FreightBig Pro
  • Body: FreightText Pro
  • Headers/footers: FreightMicro Pro
  • Captions: FreightSans Pro

“The book was briefed as a classic history/biography format, and from the start we knew the image we wanted on the cover – the photograph of Ruth Ross at her desk with typewriter, cigarette in hand. It also came with quite a playful title – so the key was to work this into the image in a way that felt bold enough but also allowed the wonderfully busy office scene to shine through.”

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