Supergood — 1010 Printing Award for Best Cookbook 2021 FINALIST

1010 Printing Award for Best Cookbook 2021


Helen Gilligan-Reid and Cat Taylor
Title: Supergood
Publisher: Penguin Random House NZ
Format: 245 x 190mm, 240pp. Flexibound, square-backed, head and tail bands. Cover: 300gsm C1S, 5c + matt lam + foil. Text:120gsm woodfree with 2 ribbon markers.
Typography: Halis GR, Gilroy regular and Avenir (all varying sizes and weights according to hierarchy of text).

Judges’ comments The ever-reliable Chelsea Winter delivers an approachable and practical book of plant-based recipes. The gold foil compliments the summery cover’s flaxen warmth. The photography is a delight, with a well-tempered mix of lifestyle, ingredient and food photography giving the book its familial tone. It all feels of a piece, with the section openers photographed in a lightbox bringing a luminous spark of colour. The understated typography is well considered and functionally elegant, with the subtle deep-brown tone of the text adding to the warmth of the book’s colour palette.

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