Te Oranga Mauri – Wellbeing Storybook set — Lift Education Award for Best Educational Book or Series – Primary 2024 FINALIST

Lift Education Award for Best Educational Book or Series – Primary 2024


Designers: Te Kani Price, Christine Ling

Title: Te Oranga Mauri – Wellbeing Storybook set. (01) – Te Whānau Aroha o Tipene, (02) – Sammy’s Koha, (03) – A Kite for Tiare, (04) – ‘Amanaki Learns at Home, (05) – Kiara Loves White Sunday
Publisher: Huia Publishers
Format:230 x 255mm, up to 32pp each


Typography: Cover: Masthead: Alstoria regular, treated with gradient blue.
Authors: Sofia Pro in light and medium
Internal: Body text: FreightMacro Pro Light, 15pt size at 25pt leading and 12pt tracking
Pull-out text: Avenir next medium, 8pt size at 9.6 leading

“The brief was to design well-being-related storybooks to be used as an educational resource for children in ECE centres, English-medium schooling, and Māori-medium schooling. These would allow teachers and whānau to explore stories and themes in young people’s experiences of COVID-19 in curriculum settings. There would be five books written and illustrated by different people/pairings. As an educational resource, included features through the books lent themselves to kids learning the language. These included: countable illustrated features for counting literacy such as clocks, toys, and cushions; swim lanes for prompt questions as facilitated by Whānau/Kaiako; and repeated glossary words.”


View shortlist