Be Your Best Self — Allen & Unwin Award for Best Commercial Book for Adults 2024 FINALIST

Allen & Unwin
Award for Best Commercial Book for Adults 2024



Designer: Kate Barraclough with illustrations by Rebekah Ballagh

Title: Be Your Best Self
Publisher: Allen & Unwin, New Zealand
Format: 213 x 160mm, 272pp. Square backed flexibind.
Typography: Header font: Ivy Mode. Secondary fonts: Untitled sans.
The brief called for typography that was clean, accessible and sophisticated. There were a lot of elements in the text with various heading levels and breakouts, so it was important that the typesetting be really clear and easy to follow. Colour was used as a navigation tool and Rebekah’s gorgeous illustrations help liven the pages without it getting fussy.

“This was Rebekah’s 6th self-help book and quite different in content and ambition, so we wanted to give it a different look to her previous titles. She changed her illustration style so that her characters look older and used a more tonal colour palette, and included a lot more text than in her earlier books. there are tables and lists and so we needed clear navigational devices to manage the reading flow and make it easy to follow.”

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