Gamma Mathematics — Lift Education Award for Best Educational Book or Series – Secondary / Tertiary 2024 FINALIST

Lift Education Award for Best Educational Book or Series – Secondary/Tertiary 2024


Designer: Anne Taylor, Boulder Bay Design

Title: Gamma Mathematics

Publisher: Edify
Format: 200 x 253 mm, 602pp. Limpbound, section sewn.
The five curriculum strands are colour coded and students can easily open the strand they are working with using the colour on the right of each page and visible when the book is closed.

Typography: Domus Bold & Semibold (chapters headings and  running heads); Calibri Regular (body text and captions); Bernina Sans Condensed Semibold (Example/Anser headings and Exercise headings)

“The design brief was to make the content fun, attractive and appealing whilst maintaining the requisite amount of structure befitting a serious survey of Mathematics. The student should feel supported by the presentation as for many this subject is challenging, however this must not compromise the serious nature of the topic and the depth and quality of material produced by the author. There should also be a clear visualisation of the pedagogy that provides a consistent presentation of the material through the book.”

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