Gamma Mathematics — Lift Education Award for Best Educational Book or Series – Secondary / Tertiary 2024 FINALIST

Lift Education Award for Best Educational Book or Series – Secondary/Tertiary 2024



Designers: Cover: Benek Lisefski
Interior: Shaun Jury
Illustrator: Izzy Joy Te Aho-White

Title: Te Kākano (Te Whanake series)

Publisher: Edify
Format: 210 x 297 mm, 215pp. perfect bound.

Typography: Quinn, Jubilat, Elza, Vervaine

“The Te Whanake series is considered by many to be the gold standard programme for students of Te Reo Māori. The series has been at the heart of Te Reo language learning for over 30 years. A design balance was required to respect the Kaupapa of prior editions whilst enhancing the look and feel for a more modern presentation. Designed as a textbook and workbook combination, the pages needed to be presented with good balance of content and exercise. There was also a critical requirement to ensure the two languages worked harmoniously with text and image to convey the lessons.”

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