Joint Winners Pacific Arts Aotearoa and Rewi: Āta haere, kia tere — Penguin Random House New Zealand Award for Best Illustrated Book 2024 WINNERS

Penguin Random House New Zealand
Award for Best Illustrated Book 2024

Joint Winners

Designers: Cover: Shaun Naufahu (Alt Group)
Interior: Shaun Naufahu (Alt Group) & Katrina Duncan

Title: Pacific Arts Aotearoa
Publisher: Penguin Random House NZ  in association with Pacific Arts, Creative New Zealand|Toi Aotearoa
Format: 254 x 178mm, 544pp.
Section-sewn, case-bound (square-backed, with head & tail bands). Paper lined case over 3.5mm boards with 1mm overhang, blind debossing on front and back, block edges sprayed yellow, with French-folded bellyband.


Judges’ comments This book is a vibrant celebration of Pacific Arts in Aotearoa. The whole package is rich in content and passion. The creative choices — from bold colour blocking, intricate Pacific patterns and motifs on the edges and daring typography — root the book firmly in its cultural identity. It’s a kaleidoscopic portrait of a community, breaking traditional design rules in a way that feels both evocative and engaging. The result is a lively, immersive experience that captures the essence of Pacific people and art, creating a memorable, celebratory keepsake.


Designers: Tyrone Ohia, Eva Charlton, Max Quinn-Tapara, (Studio: Extended Whānau) & Katrina Duncan

Title: Rewi: Āta haere, kia tere
Publisher: Massey University Press
Format: 250 x 190mm, 456pp.

Typography: Stanley & Theinhardt Mono..
Scanned Handwriting from Rewi Thompson archives.



Judges’ comments The designers have crafted a work of bold elegance, where every detail — from the colour palette to the thoughtful typography — celebrates Rewi’s legacy. From the opening moment, where ‘Rewi’ is rendered out of blue in pink handwriting, this book is captivating. The approach from the design team can be summed up in the he mihi at the opening of the book: “We battle, strive and live to tame this great fish that Maui caught. Our youthfulness allows us to be playful, energetic, lively, enthusiastic and experimental and not overburdened by the weight of our past.” All these concepts are embraced and delivered on every page of the book. This is a taonga and testimony to his craft and acts as an ode to his standing as an innovative and visionary thinker. Showing powerful control over every element of design, this book stands as a testament to Rewi’s innovative spirit, seamlessly blending architecture and human experience.

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