Reo Ora – Ko Te Weu Level Three: A Māori Language Course for Intermediate Learners — Lift Education Award for Best Educational Book or Series – Secondary / Tertiary 2024 WINNER

Lift Education Award for Best Educational Book or Series – Secondary/Tertiary 2024


Designer: Camilla Lau

Title: Reo Ora – Ko Te Weu Level Three: A Māori Language Course for Intermediate Learners

Publisher: Huia Publishers

Format: 228 x 150 mm, 164pp. Section sewn, drawn on cover. Soft Cover Stock: 300gsm artboard coated one side, anti-scuff laminate 1 side only wit hspot UV finish on front and spine.  Text printed on 120gsm Rice White Woodfree.


Judges’ comments What a delight and pleasure it will be for intermediate Māori language learners opening this book! Featuring an elegant cover, the interiors are where the design truly sings. Open the creamy matte pages and enter a world of subtle colour and typographic panache. Utilising white space, indentation, size, type, and colour contrast with great skill, the systematic design of information is extremely well executed. The illustrations contribute but don’t overwhelm, enhancing the overall reading experience.

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